Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Do You Wish to Lead the World or Just the American People?

Do You Wish to Lead the World or Just the American People?
By: Michael D. Ringrose

When we think about Leaders, we generally tend to think about those who grace or occupy the world stage. Historically, Lincoln, Washington, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Churchill, Stalin, Nelson Mandela come to mind but there are many. Some political, some religious, some social, some in the world of sports and in the world of literature, music and art.

There are those who present themselves to the public to be chosen to lead. At present, we have, perhaps the world's best example of that process being acted out on the American Stage. America is presented with choice of future President. Will it be Hillary Clnton, JohnMcCain, Barak Obhama or Mike Huckabee who will be the benificiary of their preferences. It is an enormously onerous duty and responsibility they bear in making this choice because, of course, it effects not only the United States but it will also impact significantly on the rest of the world.

The "rest of the world", does not have a vote in the process. One might ask, if the person selected for the position of President of the United States, will be cast in the role of Leader of the Free World, then perhaps consideration ought to be given, at some future date, to allow those countries outside of the United States, who will, or maybe, affected by the result of the election, some way of exercising or expressing their preferences in the choice of President.

Of course, one can anticipate the contrary arguement. Why should countries or persons outside the jurisdiction of the United States or any other sovereign state, have the right to exerise a vote in internal elections? In perhaps all other countries, the Prime Ministers or Presidents do not normally purport to have a right to dictate how other countries behave. Such has been the position with the U S, and I hastely add, often at the behest of countries in Europe and elsewhere. Many countries have, in time of war or econimic crisis, requested or imposed on the US to come to the rescue.

Whatever the reasons, we are faced with a defacto recognition of its perceived status. In those circumstances, what are the characteristics now being sought in the candidates? What are the attributes that shape and inform those candidates? Leaving aside the fact that each and all of them will play to the particular audiences they meet in their thousands as they plead for support, what are the real values that drive and sustain them as persons? Where and how do they display their courage and how is it measured? How is their commitment to honesty portrayed? Outside of claiming to the omniscient in all things political, how do they demonstrate their capacity to be truly understanding of the human condition and offer wise counsel in dealing with complex situations.

Leaving aside the wonderful rhetoric and lyricism of the speechwriters, where is the demonstration and evidence of capacity to deal only with truth?

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